Sunday, January 01, 2006

well here it is Kate, pretty good job eh? LOL Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

What a sad, sorry, rotten excuse for a braid! It's frayed, uneven, sloppy, and just a plain old general mess! Who did such a horrible job, anyways??? ;P

Anonymous said...

What a pretty, lovely, and feminine way to do your hair! It's elegant, classic, smooth on the top, graceful, and charming, and just plain beautiful!!! who did such a nice job, anyways!!?? :)

SmithFamily said...

Oh come now mr. morgan, such a sad state eh? I thought it was great! (charlie) LOL.
Hey Poug, didn't charlie do well? He's just starting and what a success!

Anonymous said...

LOL! You're such a sweetie Carlos Morgan! Thanks for doing our hair bub.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh I love it!! I think you did a great job Alan Babe. Kressy your hair is so beautiful dearie! Love to you both...


Oh, dear~the above comment made by me was addressed to Sissy B., assuming she had braided her own hair~sorry, brother~I did remember who "c. phredrick m." was, and thought some snoody person had said that to Sissy B., LOL, sorry...

Anonymous said...

It appears that Mr. C. P. Morgan is indeed talented at braiding! It looks like a french braid!

Lovely and feminine, KressyB!

Poog, I ashamedly admit I thought as you did! All these nicknames are confusing! Like for instance your nickname, Poog-- I believe you're Adeline, but I'm not sure! Oh dear! :)



Hey Ivis!
Indeed, I'm Poog~thats what my older brothers called me when I was younger, LOL! :) I felt to silly not remembering who c. phredrick m....oh, well...

SmithFamily said...

LOL, ha! you gotta luv the names my dears! LOL