Saturday, January 21, 2006


at the Morton's, we girls went on a trip to town! Poor uncle Michael B. had come home due to a bad stomach virus that was going around, and aunty stayed home to tend to him. In town, Katie and Darthy dropped the rest of us off and then headed over to Grandaddy's and Grandmama's. With Jonny as our dear little escort, we walked the square stopping by an adorable shop with the cutest little baby clothes, where we studied and admired the smocking. Smocking is on our list (my other sissy's will probably have to learn and then teach me LOL) of things to learn and it's so exciting to see what you can do with thread and a needle! Next, we stopped excitedly at an interesting little bookstore filled with new and used books. The Smith family has a bad weakness for books and we can spend a whole day flipping through various volumes filled with interesting information. We studied the culinary isle for awhile and then Miss Addie may and I meandered over to the art section. Glancing over the different titles and pictures we came across this old beautiful book with a picture of a young women from the 40's or 50s? We opened the book to find a great wealth of information about sketching. Our attention was thus held for the next 10 minutes where we eagerly studied to drawings. We could not really tell you what was so neat about the book but the women were all elegant, the baby's adorable, and the elderly men just like Grandaddy's. When we had looked the book through several times, we thought for laughs that we would check the price, $2.50! We giggled and then decided to buy it. Walking triumphantly to the front with our prize in our hands, I held out the book and a $ 5.00 bill. To be sure, the look on the mans face behind the counter was rather amusing to say the least. He just looked at me his eyebrows arching and his nose scruntching up. I stood there with my hand outstretched and he finally said, "That's $250.oo" Adeline and looked at eachother, surely he's joking we thought. After a second he repeated his statement and said "Would you like to buy it?"

wow, we later searched on the computer at home and found the book on eBay for $100!

After our book incident we met with Katie and Darth at a cute little restaurant called the "3 crazy Bakers" where to our delight we had a girls afternoon tea/chat. We all ordered a different slices of pie and shared tantalizing bites. It was delicious!!!! Next we headed off to Lowe's to get seeds for Darth's garden. She was so adorable searching through the seeds. Her excitement soon caught ahold of the rest of us and 6 girls eagerly huddled about the seed display squealing over this and that. It was so cute!

Back at home Kate and I prepared supper whilst the other girlies worked on their hand sewing. As the guy's returned from work, Sam and Edwin both were sick with the stomach bug. Poor baby's couldn't eat. Katie and I minced garlic and just poured clove after clove into the spaghetti sauce, in hopes that it might keep the rest of us from coming down ill. That night late, after cleaning up supper, a jolly joke from aunty, and a siesta with my sissy's, Charlie, Thomas, Wesley and I headed for Florida!

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