Wednesday, January 04, 2006

all 5 of 'em completed just now! hurray!!!! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

It's going to be simply beautiful! Lovely work, KressyB!

Have y'all ever heard of friendship quilts? Last year I got to handle a really old one! These women had embroidered their names, the dates, and other things. It was pretty and a special keepsake! Maybe we could make one someday!

Anonymous said...

You are doing such a good job on your quilt! That takes a lot of time and patience... it's going to be beautiful. The colors you chose look so nice. Happy sewing! :)


Sissy B.! It is so beautiful,Dearest! I sure did enjoy talking to you on the phone last night. It eased my missings somewhat to hear your happy voice... :)
Love to my precious Smithie Sissies!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Miss Ivy! Wouldn't that be jolly?!
Thanks Miss Jennifer and Jaimee, so far so good and I am enjoying it. It does lend a hand a time for reflection and prayer.
Addi you are so sweet my dear! I can't wait to bring it to y'all for I am so worried thatI am going to ruin the thing!!