Hello readers!
I hope all is going well with y'all!
We went to our Cousins Crystal and Jennifer's children's birthday party and brought back Ariel!! What fun she has been these past two weeks!! We have baked all sorts of yummy goodies and played cards almost everyday;)
Daddy has been working on our Tilapia tank! We have 9 little Goldfish that we're experimenting with to make sure it works! So far so good!
Yerik had surgery on his nose Monday and it went really well! He is doing great! Thank you to every one who was praying for him.

The boys eating cake!!

"E's Gooood" (movie quote;)
Gavido in the Kitty pool

Playing cards Sunday night!

Yuchi the morning before his surgery
And here he is yesterday!
Getting pictures out in the field
Trying a self photo with Daddy!
One of our RIR hatched out some chicks!! They're so cute

Max getting hen pecked;)

These two just don't like each other!

Our Tilapia tank

Ariel and Bretski

Our A/C went out last week so here I am trying to set up a fan;)

Our dishwasher broke too so we got a new one, Madi!!! Thankfully for her the Sears man came today and fixed it!

Taking pictures for Daddy's speech on Monday

Flute ball;)LOL! For those who might be worried about our sanity we didn't actually hit the ball with the flute;) It's all for daddy's speech

Well, have a wonderful week!
Dios tebendiga!