Monday, August 07, 2006

This past Saturday, Alan and Katie put on a shower for Michael and Kressant. Can you believe it, only 25 days more to go!!! Hmm, or was it 26? Weeelll, what can I say? It's coming up quick:) It's quite exciting around here these days! There is almost always at least one phone in use, as well as one sewing machine, music and singing fills the house constantly as hands fly, desicions are made, and errands are run. And of course the kitchen crew is kept busy all day long providing the household with snacks and drinks, and keeping the garden from going to seed as the countdown continues:) LOL! Alan and Katie's little one continues to grow, praise the Lord!! And everyone continues to stay in good health and spirits. The mail service is also being kept quite busy by the Smithies, and every morning you can see Kressant heading off, a stack of letters in hand, returning in high or low spirits depending usually on whether the stack she is returning with, contains a letter from Michael, LOL! Jolly times!
But I'm rambling again, back to the matter at hand~ yes, yes the shower. Here are some pictures. Alan and Katie, Aunt Lynda, and so many others worked so hard to make the shower a success!! Thanks y'all:)
~Rachel Posted by Picasa

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