Sunday, October 02, 2005


Friday afternoon found Bethy, Alan and I as the sole occupants of our house. The rest of our family were off on various errands and Daddy was of course at work. The day's activities were indeed such that might be called rather dullish, but throughout the day we ran around cleaning and singing with great merriment on account that our cousins, and dear friends the Morton's would be joining us! Our 3rd and 4th cousins from Louisiana along with our great aunt and uncle for dinner, and then the Morton's around 1ish for the night. Our cousins arrived just in time for supper where spent our time getting better acquainted. We see our cousins about once or twice a year and they are growing up so fast! After supper and a big pan of homemade brownies, Rachel and our cousin Kristen gathered around the piano taking turns at entertaining us with their wonderful talents. In the corner Bethy and our other two cousins were working hard at a chess match in which I think our cousins won as they take lessons and poor Bethy has no one here in the house in which to exercise this particular skill. LOL.

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