Monday, October 31, 2005

World reknown artists gathered together at the Lone Star restaurant in San Antonio for their 1st annual "crayon sketch whilst you sleep" convention Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

LOL, and an interesting convention it was.
Unfortunately, the art work from the famous event was lost in the midst of a wild scramble for the ladies break room in a sudden burst of instantaneous mirth.
The convention was followed by the ~Annual Pez Convention~
Contact Kressant Smith for details.

Anonymous said...

How charming! Where is the next convention to be held!? No, really, those drawings are lovely!! Who's are they? :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! I was just umpacking today and I found my sketch in my purse! (Someday we should have a museum holding all Annual Pez Convention memorabilia.) I have no idea how it got there either. . .

Unfortunatly, these conventions happen suddenly without any planning. But for the most part all you need to begin is a healty mixture of sleepiness, boredom, laughter, and (most importantly) ample amounts of PEZ! Just charming, dahlings!

SmithFamily said...

We shall have our next convention next we all meet! When we all gather there is always sleep deprivation and laughter although I can't say much for the boredom aspect. Forward march to the Pez my dears!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No, indeed! We are never bored at most gatherings! But the Annual Pez Convention was unusual, dearie. . .


Anonymous said...

"You are too sweet Ivy dear!" How was your trip home?

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed dear sissy Ivy, it is most unfortunate how sparodic these conventions are, but perhaps we could schedule one by simply meeting together where all the nessecities are gathered together, minus of course the bordom:)
LOL, yes yes Addie may,
~and we could have regular meetings, at your house, or ours..~


LOL, ya'll are too cute-"She suggested we form a MUSICAL club! Is it possible that he meet her while doing charity work in a mental infirmary!?" :)
p.s. Bright me wants to know what pez is??...:)

Anonymous said...

Mental infirmary??? "Shocking, abominable reply!"
Come now Addie I know we've no secrets amongst each other but I was unaware you thought so ill of me!!!
Pez is a type of candy precious:)
How I love you doll!

Anonymous said...

"I saw her at church and though she was. . ."

"Vulgar! Base! Conceited!"

. . .

"There is only one thing to do with a creature as impossible as she -- I'll throw a party for her! Or everyone will know at once how much I dispise her!"

LOl! I was so amused with y'all taking from the Emma movie, that I added the missing lines from the scene. Oh, that Emma is wretched!

p.s. You're a cutie pie, Addie!

SmithFamily said...

"Why yes we should have Pex at our weddings, Ivis dear, you must promise to have lot's of pez when you marry" LOL
When's the party Ivie dear!!! LOL