Last Wednesday we went over to Indian Springs for the afternoon!! It was so fun! We played in the rocks for a bit then ate lunch on the lawn under a beautiful shade tree! Then we went over to the beach. It was quite overcrowded though and filled with smoke, so while the kiddo's swam and I went over to a cute little
pavilion in the woods and played cards;)
Ahhh, how peaceful it was!
Unfortunately I only have pictures up till lunch, I guess after then I was either to lazy or to tired to take any more!!
Hope y'all enjoy 'em!!

The boys working on their sun tans;)

original right? I guess I
could say 'Beautiful water' or 'gushing water' or something more dreamy but I'm
not feeling very creative right now!!)
Madek's going down the 'Slide'

While looking for a place to eat lunch us
girlies stumbled across some very pretty flowers and bushes with a cute little bench in the midst! We got a few pictures but decided to come back later for a photo shoot when we'd put back on our normal clothes;) well, let's just say, never put off what can be done
right now! We forgot
later so these three photos will have to do;)
Dear Maud and the
beautiful flower that we found out later
we weren't supposed to pick;)
Some Smithy Ham shots

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
Psalms 42:1
Dios te bendiga!!!