Monday, January 01, 2007

Good afternoon,

Well, last Saturday the Smithy's loaded up and headed off to spend the weekend at Calathora. A rather common event it would seem. LOL!
The weekend was greatly enjoyed, and we had the pleasure of visiting with the Cox and Sanders families, though we were not particularly constant with the camera over the weekend.
It was likely to be the last trip down before Alan and Katie's first child is born. The clock keeps ticking bringing them nearer the due date, January 7!!! They would appreciate y'alls prayers as the time draws near for Katie to bring this new little one into the world, with the Lord's help:) Isn't this exciting?

We hope y'all have a blessed new year as you follow after the Lord's will, serving Him in all things!

Peace be with you!
~The Smith Family~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie has been on my mind so much this week! I am definitely praying for this precious young family! :)