Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"My fingew hurtin." What a cutie;)! Posted by Picasa



'Me look'en for my Cwevland'
LOL, ~Tom~

SmithFamily said...

LOL! Your hilarious Andrew! Isn't Yuchie a ham? He is presently standing at the other computer, flipping through the pix on the screensaver, yelling every time he finds a pix of "his Cwevland", lol!
We're just having a ball this evening! Alan and Katie came over to have supper with us, and we're going to play cards and watch movies tonight:) We miss the rest of our fam though. Our nephew/niece is getting soo big! Katie is just adorable. Give Mrs. Morton jr ;) my love when you see her! And we'll see y'all next weekend:)