Friday, December 08, 2006

"Brrrrilliant!" Mama's nifty solution to the dilemma at hand:)
Apparently, when our guys were so kindly fixing the ice maker a couple of weeks ago (that occasionally chooses to simply not work, lol), they had to drill some holes through the cabinets to down under the house. When presented with this interesting new set up, our furry little friends decided the warmth of the house was a whole lot more pleasant, than the cold under and around it. So in they came!
Three cheers for our wonderful Daddy and brothers, who keep the many appliances in our household up and running!
And three cheers for Mama "the ridder of the house, of mice!" Umm no, let's see, "the mice ridder, of the house!" Hmmm, "the house ridder of the mice"? LOL, ok never mind.
She "rid the house of mice." There now, does that work? LOL!!! Ohhh man.
(Is 'ridder' even a word??? Probably not, lol) ....... ;)Posted by Picasa

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