Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Well, here's a quick though rather short recap of the past couple of weeks proceedings. It's been pretty busy, but the camera has been with Alan, Katie and Bethany at the Morton's and they ran out of batteries pretty quickly, so there are only a few pictures. Michael and Kressant are happily situated back at home, and from Alan, Katie and Bethany's reports (who arrived home from the Morton's yesterday to our great delight), Kressant is doing very well and continues to heal nicely praise the Lord!!! While they were away, the rest of us had the great privilege of having Mr. Israel Wayne and three of his dear sisters to stay with us for a few days, as well as the Pethtel family, who came on Thursday and left us yesterday. We very much enjoyed their company:)

Today Mumsie took Katie, Bethy, Yerik and I on an acquisitions trip. Mama and I were thrilled with the opportunity to spend some time with Katie and Bethy. They were greatly missed throughout the week! Posted by Picasa

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