Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wednesday evening the Smithy's piled into the sub for an evening at Nana's with the Ewing family. After 2 and a half hours of Atlanta traffic (the Smith family is fortunately not accustomed to this "phenomenon", lol) we arrived and shortly thereafter the Ewing's did as well. Unfortunately, we did not manage to grab a snapshot of their charming family. Our darling Aunt Lynda came over to everyone's great delight, as did our sweet cuz Zoey:) Anyways, Nana fixed us a fabulous meal, (accompanied by her famous brownies of course) and then we watched Daddy's TV show! We also managed to squeeze in some wedding preperations in the midst of it, with the help of Zoe and Mr. Ewing's charming daughter Miss Whitney. We so enjoyed getting to know their family better! Thank you Nana for a lovely evening!!
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