Monday, April 24, 2006

Smith Family update and News

Whew it's been a busy month so far! The weeks leading up to the wedding of Alan and Katie were pretty hectic, and then the wedding festivities were a whirlwind of excitement! I hope to post a newsy post of the wedding when we get pictures in from our various photographers.
Sunday after the wedding, we packed up our extensive mound of belongings with the help of the young Morton men into our sub and the Pethels van. The Pethtels were to journey back home with us to spend a few days visiting. Upon our departure we were surprised and delighted by the arrival of Charlie and Kate at the gate to bid us farewell. From there we drove a wapping 65 miles an hour due to the trailer and it's rather loaded state. We stopped at KFC for dinner and to my enjoyment, I talked to Stephanie McDermott (once Pethtel LOL) who from her new home in Missouri sounds quite happy and content! We then continued our drive home arriving rather late and tired. The Pethtels stayed until Thursday or so and we had the additions of my Grandparents from Michigan, and then Uncle Edwards and Jake from Tennessee for the remainder of the week. We squeezed in work in the garden, the re-shooting of 3 episodes for the movie show, and a birthday tea for my grandmother. Beth held down the fort and whilst I was busy at various tasks and she did an excellent job of it too! Thanks Beth! Friday at noon, we bid the last of our guest’s farewell and were surprised to find that we had two new additions in the family! Daddy found two new baby lambs born around 2pm!!!!!! That evening for supper, the Morton’s arrived for the weekend!!!!!
-Miss Kressant

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