Wednesday afternoon, we bid farewell to the Turack family who was going to church and to the Morton clan who were off to visit Mr. Michael's old tyme friend for supper. We Smithie's were off to have dinner with friends after Daddy's graduation from the Film Academy! When we arrived at the Marriot (where the film academy was held) we clustered in the foyer and started talking to various people who were standing around. Rachie and I met a very nice young lady by the name of Kristen (Stolzfus?) and found that her brother had made a movie that was a semi finalist. She herself was one of the main actors. We then chatted again with the sweet Carpenter family whom we have come to enjoy very much! Well time drew on and we found that in the process of the graduation, something had happened to the computer and several attendees names had been lost. Anyways it was quite some time before we headed down the river walk to eat. We arrived at the 'Lone Star' restaurante our party consisting of The Wagners from Montana with their grandson, Mr. Christian Hidalgo (director of last year's "William Tyndale") Mr. Zwoenitzer and his boy's, Mr. and Mrs. Vawser with Andrew and Matt, and then of course the Smith fam and two Lummus'. We were given a whole party room to ourselves and we quickly competed with the blaring tv which they finally turned off, much to the gratitude of us young ladies. The evenings activities were I must admit rather strange. We young'uns were seated at a large table where Bethy, Rachie, Ivis, and I were the sole representatives of the female gender. The rest were a large group of boy's and young men who set about to amusing eachother. Matt and Andrew pulled out their instruments and the Zwoenitzer boy's chimed in with a few spoons provided by our amused waiter. We girls rang out in jolly mirth when they started Dooley and we finished triumphantly as the waiter stood with our food held mid air. After completing our meal, the girl's and my eye's started blurring and we slumped over in our chairs. Sleep was catching up with us and we sat blinking and smiling at each other. I was just about to fall over when out of the blue, Bethy pulls out of her nifty back pack.........
drum roll please.........
PEZ!We girls were suddenly awakened and we burst forth with much excitement upon her. She sweetly shared her hidden loot and a few seconds later we had constructed several Pez towers that threatened to topple over at any minute amidst the giggling of us girls and the excited pounds of the guy's fists. I'm not sure what they were talking of as we could hear none of what they said but they did look like they were having as much fun as us girls. *Disclaimer* The high level of Merriment betwixt the girls may be accounted for by the large Root beer and Pez consumed by the before mentioned participants* -No Pez were harmed during the construction of the towers-